Common DIY Fencing Disasters

Common DIY Fencing Disasters

Common DIY Fencing Disasters


Fencing is a crucial aspect to protect your property, add to its aesthetic appeal, and create a sense of privacy. Even though some people opt for a Do It Yourself approach to their fence installations, there are some common DIY fencing disasters that can occur if the process is not done correctly. As such, this blog post will discuss some of these common DIY fencing disasters and what could go wrong if you do not hire professional fencing contractors Orlando, FL.


1. Uneven Fence Panels

One common DIY fencing disaster is uneven fence panels. This usually happens when the installation isn't done correctly, with the fence panels failing to align correctly. Such misalignment leaves gaps which can compromise the fence’s stability or visibility. If you have uneven fence panels, it is important to immediately take appropriate corrective measures. These measures may include re-aligning the fence panels, replacing damaged fence panels, and installing the posts appropriately.

2. Improper Grounding

Another common DIY fencing disaster is improper grounding of the fence posts. Poor grounding of the fence posts can make your fence vulnerable to rot, insects, or soil moisture, which can compromise its stability and longevity. This is why it is always best to work with a professional fencing contractor that knows how to safeguard your fence against ground moisture and other environmental factors.

3. Wrong Fence Material

The wrong fence material can also be a significant DIY fencing disaster. Sometimes, certain fence materials may not be suitable for your specific location, and you may not know this until your fence starts to deteriorate. For instance, if you’re living in a coastal area, you may use metal because it is known to corrode quickly in salt air. Alternatively, wooden fences can be a disastrous choice for humid or rainy regions with high moisture content.

4. Poor Drainage

Poor drainage can be an issue with DIY fence installation. If there is poor drainage around the fence perimeter, water can easily pool around your fence posts and compromise their longevity. Before installing your fence, it is crucial to check if the proposed location offers ideal drainage so that your fence remains stable and protected from the elements, especially if you're considering a wood fence.

5. Poor Anchoring

Poor anchoring can lead to fence instability and is another common DIY fencing disaster. The anchor should be buried deep to provide adequate support to the fence's weight and withstand harsh weather conditions. If your fence posts are leaning, it is a sign that they are not correctly anchored. So if you notice this, make sure you promptly address the issue to ensure the stability and durability of your fence.



Before deciding to take up the fencing installation, it's essential to consider all the factors that could hinder its success. Better yet, hire professionals who are trained and experienced in fencing installations. A DIY project can be fun and save you some money, but if you want a fence that can last for years and provide the protection, privacy, and beauty you desire, partnering with professional fencing contractors in Orlando, FL, like Wulff Fence, is your best option. Contact us today for professional fence installations or any other fencing needs.